Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Chocolate for Health Benefits

The word chocolate comes from xocoatl (Aztec language) which means a bitter drink. Aztecs and Maya in Mexico believe that the god of Agriculture has sent a chocolate that comes from heaven to them. Cortes then took him to Spain between the years 1502-1528, and by the Spaniards bitter drink was mixed with sugar, so it feels more comfortable. Brown then spread to France, Holland and England. In the year 1765 chocolate factory was established in Massachusetts, USA.
In the development chocolate is not only a beverage but also become the preferred snack of children, adolescents, and adults. Besides it feels good, chocolate was nutritious to make age a person becomes longer. An epidemiological study has been conducted at Harvard University students who enrolled between the years 1916-1950. By using a food frequency questionnaire collected information about the habits of eating candy or chocolate at Harvard University students.
By controlling the physical activity undertaken, smoking, and eating habits found that those who love to eat candy / chocolate age older than one year are not eating. Allegedly phenol antioxidants contained in chocolate is the reason why they can outlive. Phenol is also found in red wine that is well known as the drink is good for heart health. Brown has the ability to inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and improve immune function, which can prevent the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer.

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